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FotoStation 7.0 update for OS X Yosemite now available![more]


Free QuarkXPress Document Converter available

There are millions of QuarkXPress® documents in existence and many are stuck in legacy documents. Now it’s easier than ever to bring those old QuarkXPress files to life in QuarkXPress 10 with the new, free QuarkXPress Document...[more]


QuarkXPress 10 Ressources

New User Guide for QuarkXPress 10.2[more]


New AutoPrice version available!

The AutoPrice plugin now also available for Adobe InDesign CC 2014.[more]

11.09.14 Category: Productnews

New Version OutputFactory!

New version of Output Factory is now also available for InDesign CC2014.[more]

01.09.14 Category: Press Release, Branch News

FotoWare User Conference 2014

This years Fotoware User Conference is coming to Berlin on 06.-07. November.[more]


New Version Flight Check v.7.5!

FlightCheck 7.5 with Adobe InDesign CC 2014 Support[more]

Displaying results 43 to 49 out of 202