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Markzware released PlugIns for QXP 2018!
Q2ID, FlightCheck and ID2Q now also supports QuarkXPress 2018.[more]

32-Bit-Apps under macOS
32-bit app compatibility with macOS High Sierra 10.13.4[more]

Special Pre-order Offer
Buy QuarkXPress 2017, Get QuarkXPress 2018 FREE and Special Pre-order Offer[more]

LinkOptimizer vs. macOS High Sierra and InDesign CC 2018
LinkOptimizer on MacOS High Sierra and InDesign CC 2018 LinkOptimizer Version 5 is compatible with both High Sierra and CC 2018. Please note that LinkOptimizer Version 4 will not be compatible with either mac OS High Sierra or...[more]

New Version PDF2DTP
PDF2DTP supports InDesign CC2018 now![more]

New Version ex TranslationFilter ID!
ex TranslationFilter now supports also InDesign CC2018.[more]

New Version Q2ID available!
Q2ID now supports also InDesign CC2018.[more]