PitStop Server

Preflighting and auto-correction tool for high-volume PDF workflows

PitStop Server 4 is the indispensable preflighting and auto-correction tool for high-volume PDF workflows. Using Enfocus PDF Profiles and Action Lists, PitStop Server 4 instantly analyzes, corrects, reports on and routes files based on the most stringent of requirements, including the PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, and Ghent PDF Workgroup industry standards.

PitStop Server 4 uses hot folders for batch processing. Simply drop or route your PDF files into an input folder and PitStop Server 4 does the rest, preflighting your files, correcting a wide range of pre-press problems and rejecting files that don’t meet the grade. PitStop Server 4’s hot folders also mean that its robust preflighting capabilities can be easily integrated into your own workflow.

Further streamline your workflow with Enfocus Certified PDF® technology which is fully integrated into PitStop Server 4. Enfocus Certified PDF files are immediately filtered so that PDFs without problems move through production faster than other PDF files. Certified PDF files can also be set to contain a detailed edit log and an unique rollback function that allows you to return to any previously saved state of the file using Enfocus PitStop Professional.

And if you need to modify PDF files with PitStop Server 4 then add Enfocus Action Lists to your workflow. These powerful and editable scripts easily automate such repetitive tasks as page renumbering, color or overprint modifications, object replacement and page resizing, to name just a few.

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