
All generall settings will be set in the preferences of the XTension.

In the export preferences will be set, in wich fileformat the QuarkXpress textframe content will be exported. It can be choosen between Microsoft Word and the XLIF fileformat.
Furthermore will be set in wich folder the exported document should be placed. If the document contains various layers it can be configured in the export preferences wich layers should be exportet for translation. 

After the translation the whole text will be re-importet in the same layers like in the origin QuarkXPress document. It can be set in the import preferences if the origin text should be "safed" into a new layer. By this way it is easy to create multilingual documents. Caused to the fact, that translations in different languages needs different space in the textboxes the width of the textboxes can adjusted automatically. Single segments can be filtered out of the translated text by the help of defined functional characters.

In the preferences for segementation, textformattings/-specifics of the QuarkXPress origin text can be considered, wich have an essential influence to the translation comfort.
To get the best possible segmentation there are many "switches" wich can be set in subject to the layout (e.g. technical catalogue vs. novel).

The general preferences are important for the export in the word fileformat. With this settings it is easy to create a 2 column based translation table in word.

If the origin document will be convertet into the XLIF file format it can be integrated in translation systems like SDL Trados, Across, Araya, Ontram etc. For this case the source- and target language must be defined.

To make the translators life easier a pdf document of the origin text can be created automatically.

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