ex Overset Pro
Monitor QuarkXPress documents for text-overflow, rgb/hsb and spot colors, pictures with incorrect spot colors and missing or modified pictures
ex Overset Pro is a QuarkXPress™ XTension which allows you to monitor QuarkXPress documents for:
- Text Overflow (including extra carriage returns at the end of a text chain)
- RGB / HSB and Spot colors
- Pictures with incorrect color models
- Missing or modified pictures ( You can update missing pictures with the "Find picture" button )
ex Overset Pro can be configure to alert you to the existence of these issues during various file-based operations.
- Open
- Save, Save as EPS
- Collect for output
ex Overset Pro displays text overset in a separate floating palette. It displays how many text boxes in a document have overset and allows the user to navigate through the document with arrows to find all respective boxes. If the text is edited the displayed overset is updated automatically, so that is easy to adjust the text amount to the box geometry. Last returns are deleted with a click of the mouse.
In the QPS version of ex Overset Pro the user can define a QPS Status until which overset will be allowed. If a layout with a higher status has textboxes containing overset, the status will automatically set back to the defined status.
ex OverSet Pro shows also pictures and colors which may to lead to problems in a separate floating palette. RGB/HSB and spot colors can be converted to CMYK colors automatically. ex OverSet Pro updates modified pictures. ex OverSet Pro gives a message if a QuarkXPress document contains pictures of these types: RGB-TIFF. RGB-EPS, RGB-JPEG and other non-CMYK pictures. Additionally ex OverSet Pro detects spot colors used in EPS files. You can update missing pictures with the button Find picture. Users can directly open the original image file when pressing the "find picture" button (original creator software is reqired to perform this operation).