
Faster searches made easy

Index Manager is a dedicated server application for indexing your archive and processing searches from clients such as FotoStation and FotoWeb. Should your archive grow beyond the point where FotoStation can handle the searching on its own, an index Manager installation provides a smooth transition without the need to completely redesign your workflow or export and import metadata records. Since all the metadata is actually stored in the files themselves, you simply set up Index Manager to index your files, point FotoStation the new index and keep working like before.


Dynamic archives

Unlike a database solution, where files have to be imported, Index Manager monitors your archives and dynamically updates the index the moment that files are added, modified or removed from the archive. Offline media is updated manually upon request.


Larger archives

As your media archive grows, you will most likely find that your need for a fast, accurate search method becomes even more important. Index Manager offers greater power and flexibility by letting your archive grow from to several hundred thousands of files, even millions. And with the Enterprise version of Index Manager you can take control of several networked Index Manager servers and combine them with a common entry point for browsing and searching.


Maximum availability

For maximum availability in enterprise-class systems, use Unions in Index Manager Enterprise to configure a backup index solution. That way, should an index server fail or be momentarily down for maintenance, the union server will shift all search responses to the identically configured backup server until the main server comes back on-line again.

Improved accuracy

After you configure your archive with Index Manager, your FotoStation clients receive a new set of search parameters that provide even greater search accuracy. Configure synonym lists, perform “fuzzy” searches if you don’t know the precise spelling, define “noise” words that are ignored by the search engine and set up stemming rules to define morphological variants of the same word when performing a search.



Index Manager runs on Windows Server 2003 (32-bit Edition) but can serve both Macintosh and Windows workstations. It will also take care of character mapping, so that all country-specific characters are preserved.

Ease of use – ease of maintenance

Your files can be located anywhere on the server – in several folders, in different hard disks or on removable media. Up to 32 online physical storage locations can be combined with a common point of entry for the end users. Their workstations will display thumbnails of all files, and the user won’t need to know anything about the actual file structure on the server. Need more storage space? Add a new drive to the system and add its contents to the existing index for immediate access to the files in the new location. Index optimization and defragmentation can be set to occur automatically when fragmentation reaches a certain level and at a time that does not coincide with system backup routines.


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