ex Wire

Wire import directly in QuarkXPress and CopyDesk

ex Wire is a software bundle to receive wires, transfer wires into a database and to use wires in QuarkXPress and QuarkCopyDesk. The bundle contains ex GetWire, ex WirePrint, ex WireImporter and the XTensions ex Wire for QuarkXPress and ex Wire for QuarkCopyDesk.
ex Getwire establishes the connection between different sources analyzes and structures the data and puts the data into output folders. These folders are watched by ex WireImporter which transfers the data to an application server to put them into different databases like QCM oder LotusNotes. Please ask for other systems.
The editor who uses QuarkXPress or QuarkCopyDesk accesses the wires from the ex Wire palette. Other users use a web browser to receive the wires.

Additional to the above mentioned access possibilities, ex Wire is integrated in the XTension ex ContentBrowser - a solution for issue and ressource planning directly in QuarkXPress, QuarkCopyDesk. By the help of the ex ContentBrowser palette in QuarkXPress or QuarkCopyDesk, an editor can search fast and efficient for content in different databases, e.g. wires. The  search results can be collected issue focused and directly checked into a publishing system like QPS.

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