
Xdream is a collection of multipurpose utilities for QuarkXPress

Xdream is a collection of multipurpose utilities to make all of your everyday publishing tasks easier. It includes everything from surrounding individual items on the page with crop and registration marks, to removing unused colors from a document. Needs to convert your document to printer´s spreads? Xdream makes it a snap. The Xtension can even search for and replace colors throughout a document. The DreamPad palette lets you configure any or all of Xdream´s functions onto a floating palette for one-click access to over two dozen timesaving functions that will help you do more in QuarkXPress with less effort.


This floating palette contains buttons that activate the various Xdream features. The palette is user-configurable and may contain up to 28 buttons representing the functions of Xdream.

Printer's Spreads:
This utility converts documents from the QuarkXPress-default reader's spreads format to printer's spreads. The utility even adjusts for creep.

Case Conversion:
Convert characters of a  selected text range to lower case, sentence caps, word caps or upper case.

Count Selected Words:
This function is an easy way to obtain an accurate word count of a portion of a story. The utility reports the number of words selected in a story.

Crops & Reg Marks:
This utility lets you easily surround items or groups on the page with crop and registration marks.The utility includes crop marks, registration marks, color bars and gray bars.

Create Grid Lines:
A function which allows the user to create a grid of QuarkXPress page rules in any color and at specified horizontal and vertical intervals.

Create Guide Grid:

This utility is a grid drawing function which automatically subdivides the page into a symmetric grid structure using horizontal and vertical page guides.

Full Fit Picture:

This feature scales a graphic while leaving its aspect ratio at 1:1, so that the shortest side of the picture exactly fills the graphic box while the longer side, which is then too large to fit in the box, is cropped by centering the picture in the box. This utility ensures that a picture box is completely filled by the graphic, with no white space around the image.

Quick Copy Text:

This feature allows the user to copy a range of text, then execute a keyboard command. The text is automatically copied into a new text box, and the text box is trimmed to accommodate the text.– Sort Paragraphs: This function automatically sorts a range of paragraphs into alphabetical order much more quickly than could be done manually.

Print Page Geometry:
A utility allowing the user to print the outlines of the items on the QuarkXPress page.

Style Sheet Report:
A feature that generates a document listing all style sheets found in a given QuarkXPress document, and all of the attributes of each style sheet.

Color Usage:
Now you can tell which colors are actually being used in a document. Information given includes color used, page, shade and how the color is used.

Delete Unused Colors:
Removes all colors stored in a document which are not actually being used.

Change Colors:

Change Colors lets you search for and replace colors in a QuarkXPress document. The familiar, easy-to-use Find/ Change interface lets you selectively change text, frame, background and picture colors, as well as controlling the shades of the color.

Process Colors:
Designed to help cut down on film waste, this utility automatically sets all colors to process colors unless the color names conform to your exception list.

Set Screen Angles:
A utility that lets the user set the screen angle for each of the cyan, magenta, yellow and black plates.

Deselect Locked Items:

Prevents locked page elements from being selected on the QuarkXPress page. This utility is useful when marquee-selecting a number of page elements to be dragged across a document.

Zoom Document:
Allows the user to magnify the view of a document onscreen up to 1000%.

Ungroup All Items:
This utility quickly ungroups all items in a given group, even groups within groups.

Open Fonts:

A utility that automatically opens your fonts as they are needed by QuarkXPress, so you can open a core set of commonly-used fonts and only use system resources to open more if they are needed by the documents with which you are working.

XTra Preferences:
This feature lets the user set preferences usually unavailable to the QuarkXPress user, including measurement systems used for various page element attributes and TIFF import resolution.

Express Palette:
This floating palette gives you quick access to high-magnification zoom features, baseline shift and horizontal scale. It also lets you rotate or skew text within its text box.

This floating palette lets you locate and insert characters with ease. You can even display the entire character set of a font and insert a character into your document from that listing.

Layer It!:
The Layer It! utility helps you organize multiple layers of page elements in your ads. You can associate elements into "groups," which may then be hidden from view, so you can proof or concentrate on the part of the page on which you are working.


A palette that allows easier movement through documents. Clicking on a thumbnail of the current page takes you to that point on the page instantly, and the palette can also take you to the previous, next, or to any page in the current document.

Store and recall frequently-used text strings. Names, addresses, salutations, etc., may be easily stored, then recalled into your documents with a keystroke to help eliminate repetitive typing.




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