
Helpfull collection of editing and product tools for XPress

VTools is a collection of useful editing and product tools. VTools is designed to handle several of the mundane tasks in a workflow environment and add useful features to QuarkXPress.

Simply put, VTools provides you with these solutions:

  • Fit to Content
    resizes a picture or text box to its content

  • Full Fit Picture
    resizes and crops a picture to fill its box

  • Eliminate Duplicates
    interactively removes several sequences of duplicated characters such as space-space

  • Story Statistics
    displays the character, word and line count of a story

  • Process Colors
    changes the color separation

  • Auto Create Library
    append the images in a folder to an existing library

  • New Layout
    creates new documents from a database of stored document sizes

  • Advisory Board
    is a simple mark up utility for marking text for review, redlining changes and adding production notes

  • The VTools Palette
    changes the text rotation, text skew, baseline shift and horizontal scale from a tiny palette

  • Copy & Apply
    is a copy and paste utility for copying text and paragraph attributes and applying these attributes to other text

  • Case Conversion
    changes the case of the selected text

  • Link Tools
    does linking and unlinking of stories that QuarkXPress does not do





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