Sonar Bookends QkLink

Allows you to define PDF bookmarks and hyperlinks in QuarkXPress

Sonar Bookends QkLink is a Quark XTension for QuarkXPress 7 and later, that allows you to define bookmarks and hyperlinks automatically when Quark creates a PDF file from the document (file->Export-> Layout as PDF).

Sonar Bookends QkLink can create the following items in the PDF file:

Manual bookmarks. You specify each bookmark and its action (jump to a page, open a file, or open a web page in your browser). You can also control the level (indention) and visibility of each item for hierachal bookmarks, color and style.



Automatic bookmarks. Instead of manually creating bookmarks, the "automatic" feature allows you to specify bookmarks based on a variety of parameters including color, font, font size and style or beeing marked with a given stylesheet. The resulting bookmark definitions can be manipulated like manual bookmarks using item #1, above.



Manual hyperlinks. Hyperlinks can be generated by highlighting text and then providing the action to be performed when the link is clicked (go to page, open a file or open a website). Links can be underlined in color or not marked.




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