PDF Design Lite

Easy way to convert your QuarkXPress document into a PDF document

PDF Design Lite enables you to create all Acrobat Distiller control codes from within Quark. These control codes will be automatically inserted in PostScript files, which will be converted into PDF files through Acrobat Distiller. Additionally, the integrated Project Manager allows you to fully manipulate the conversion of QuarkXPress documents into PDF files. There are four options you can choose from: to either convert a selection; to convert an activated document; to convert any document; and to convert more than 1 document (which will be grouped into one PostScript file). You no longer need to know or understand anything about PostScript files or the world of Acrobat Exchange to create a PDF file. Furthermore, with the XTension, the user can create projects of QuarkXPress documents. Individual documents are grouped into a PDF file and treated as a single document. Also included is a project manager to manipulate conversion of multiple QuarkXPress documents into PDF files.

There are differneces to PDF Design Pro XTension listed in this table:

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