ex ProdTrack iPad App

ex ProdTrack is an accompanying app of the "ex ProductionTracker" solution to provide a live preview of editorial production on an iOS device like iPad.

The app can store connection details of several editorial systems (QPS/QPP or (in an upcoming version) for WoodWing Enterprise) - including credentials.

One can select a system and the app queries the editorial system and provide a list of publications (brands). If one select a specific publication the app queries the system again to get a list of issue containing any layout documents.

Selecting an issue will load previews/PDFs of all pages in this issue - including a subset of metadata. The user can thumb through the issue page by page (or spread by spread - depending on the orientation of the device). The high definition previews enable proof reading of body text - including a zoom in option.

The issue structure may come via API from the planning system e.g. JournalDesigner or PlanDispatcher (optional). The planning system will supply previews or placeholders for advertisements if those are not in the editorial system.  Every change in the plan (= a new revision of the plan) will update the data on the device.


One can browse all pages through the tab bar containing thumbnails of the pages - together with page numbers and additional metadata like sections etc.
If the status of a page is not high enough, the page preview is "dimmed" to warn the user, that this page is not finished yet.

Every checkin of a page automatically updates the preview on the device - to give a live overview about editorial production.
If the device is not online, the last revision of the issue is stored locally and can be shown.
The app is "Airplay"-aware and can transfer the spreads to any airplay device like a large monitor / screen etc.

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