ex OPI_Switch

Should documents with OPI images not be printed through an OPI-Server but rather to a proofer either as an EPS file or through "Collect for Output", this XTension automatically replaces the LoRes images with HiRes files. A process which runs on the fly. The XTension knows where to find the HiRes and loads them from the OPI-Server. It works with Helios Ethershare OPI and Color Central (Mac & Win). Ask for other OPI systems.

Select the functions when ex OPI_Switch has to perform the picture exchange.

Each OPI sytem puts the lores pictures into a pre defined folder. A suffix might also be used.

Apply the original path of the OPI sytem. This can be done either by edition the lores file with a text editor. Or the XTension extracts the path from a lores file.

A list of all mounted volumes is shown in order to check the correct path.

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