
get access to menueentries by buttons in a palette

BobTail is a tool designed to speed up your menu access in QuarkXPress. While many menu items in QuarkXPress have been assigned keyboard equivalents, there are some which have not. Also, if you are using other third-party XTensions, you’ll find many of their menu items without keyboard equivalents. Accessing these menu items can sometimes be time consuming. Especially if you use that menu item frequently and it is at the bottom of the item list.

BobTail provides a palette of 20 buttons which can each be configured to a specific menu item. Once a button has been configured to a menu item, accessing that menu item is as quick as clicking the button.With its low-profile display imprint, BobTail takes up minimal room on your screen. You can even change it from a horizontal display to a vertical display. Once the buttons on BobTail are configured they act in the same manner as their assigned menu items. They will be disabled when the menu item is disabled. The button is simply an extension of the menu item which can be accessed more quickly.


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