
Imposing directly in QuarkXPress

Impose pages from a single QuarkXPress project into 2-up or 4-up flats. Unlike other solutions, Imposer does not rearrange or shuffle pages in a document. Reordering is handled in the print stream for quicker, more reliable results. Imposer gives you full control over creep, bleed, and crossover traps. Whether your production piece is a brochure or a book, Imposer offers a seamless, easy-to-use solution for QuarkXPress users.

You can place custom marks when you use Imposer in conjunction with the MarkIt XTension.

In comparison to Imposer Pro you can only impose max. 4 flats instead of 8 with Imposer Pro


  • Choose 2-up or 4-up flats and Standard, Work and Turn, or Work and Tumble imposition types
  • Select saddle-stitch, perfect-bound, or single-sheet binding
  • Flip and move pages within a printer flat
  • Start an imposition at any page in the document
  • Specify the number of pages in a signature
  • Control plate margins, horizontal and vertical gaps, bleeds, crossover trapping, and creep
  • Access registration styles created using the Quark ALAP MarkIt 2.x XTensions software
  • Save frequently used settings as reusable imposition styles
  • Export and share imposition styles
  • Preview any printer flat and control color depth of previews
  • Display page boundaries, bleeds, and page numbers in previews as necessary
  • Print with standard QuarkXPress controls

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